Your privacy and the General Data Protection Regulation
Our business is very small and we think that our activities meet or exceed the provisions of the GDPR regulations. To avoid doubt:
We do not manipulate or process data in any way, and we do not share it with anyone.
We do not hold ANY confidential information about anyone.
We have to retain basic details of all our customers on our invoice system for accountancy purposes; also (for our holiday lets) we maintain a very basic digital "card index".
We receive the e-mail address of any person who contacts us, but this is not shared or sold.
We very occasionally e-mail previous self-catering guests with information, perhaps twice a year.
We will remove entries from the e-mailed circulation list upon request (but please note that the address in question might rejoin the list after a subsequent reservation).
Our online sales are by PayPal, and are secured by that company.
We also handle credit-card transactions, using a fixed terminal and dedicated telephone line; we are fully PCI DSS compliant. Any details of numbers and security codes are cross-cut shredded after use; if a further payment is to be taken, the details must be given to us afresh.
Any details that we hold about any individual will happily be supplied to that individual upon request.
We build and maintain our own websites and we certainly do not have any way of tracking visitors to those sites or obtaining any sort of personal information.
If you think that this list fails to meet any particular GDPR provision, we will be very happy to be notified so that we can correct the omission.
Our activities are totally transparent. If you would like any additional clarification, please get in touch.
Thank you - Kevin and Christa Byrne
t/a K & C Byrne Partnership, House of Lochar and Colonsay Bookshop
To contact us:
Email: byrne[at], replacing [at] with @
Or telephone: +44 (0)1951 200320
Correspondence: Homefield, Isle of Colonsay, Argyll PA61 7YR U.K.