The photographs reproduced here are by courtesy of the Richardson family, who own the copyright. They are descendants of Kinales McPhee and Flora McNeill of Colonsay, whose daughter Margaret McPhee married William Stroyan and emigrated to Alberta ca. 1907. Their daughter, Bella, maintained a correspondence with the family connections in Colonsay, particularly with the families of McNeill at Baile Iochdracht, Drumclach, Hazel Cottage and Glassard.
William Stroyan 1846 - 1913 married Margaret McPhee 1856 - 1937 and had children John Samuel (1881 - 1940), Alexander (1883-1884), William (1885 - 1971), Annabella (1889 - 1991) and Elizabeth (1891 - 1981). The children were all raised in Colonsay and emigrated as a family.
The photographs on this page are not, as yet, identified, but at least two of them (2nd and 14th, young girl and gent with full beard) also appear in the collection of the late Susan Carruthers McNeill. As a working hypothesis, the common denominator is a McNeill connection across Scotland, Antrim and Canada. It is very likely that some of the subjects are related to the extended family of Sir John Carstairs McNeill V.C. The fishing boat is off Scalasaig, Colonsay, and it is possible that the paddle steamer is at Colonsay too, with the Manse and High Tor in the background. The lady in the white dress might well be somewhere in Kiloran, judging by the distinctive wall in the background.
If you can identify any of the subjects, or wish to contact the owners of the pictures, please feel free to get in touch via byrne[at]